HR Insights for Future-Focused Businesses

Marci Caudle Marci Caudle

In the news ..

For Immediate Release: TenFootLine Solutions is now TAGRO Solutions, LLC.

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Marci Caudle Marci Caudle

Breaking the Recruiting Mold – Recognizing When Fractional TA Leadership Can Benefit Your Talent Acquisition Efforts

The modern recruiting industry first started during the WWII era, to assist with placing returning military members back into the civilian workforce. Since the 1940s, talent acquisition has continued to grow into a more prominent and ever-changing profession. While the demanding job of finding and securing new talent can often fall on an already overworked human resources department, it’s important to understand when additional support is appropriate, stay up to date on current trends within talent acquisition, and understand how to select the right firm to assist you with your hiring needs. Not sure where to start? Keep reading to learn more!

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Let’s Go. Let’s Grow. TAGRO.