Breaking the Recruiting Mold – Recognizing When Fractional TA Leadership Can Benefit Your Talent Acquisition Efforts

The modern recruiting industry first started during the WWII era, to assist with placing returning military members back into the civilian workforce. Since the 1940s, talent acquisition has continued to grow into a more prominent and ever-changing profession. While the demanding job of finding and securing new talent can often fall on an already overworked human resources department, it’s important to understand when additional support is appropriate, stay up to date on current trends within talent acquisition, and understand how to select the right firm to assist you with your hiring needs. Not sure where to start? Keep reading to learn more!   

Fractional TA Leadership – Is It Necessary?

For many companies, recruiting efforts can often fall under those *other duties as assigned fine print in a job description. It is not uncommon for small and even mid-sized companies to rely on their busy human resources professionals, potentially already working at max capacity, to take on this additional responsibility on an as-needed basis. So, when should a company consider seeking support for their internal talent acquisition team?

Too Much Time Spent on Recruiting – If you are in desperate need of attracting new talent, and it seems to be taking too long to secure new staff, or if your internal team is struggling to keep up with their everyday workload, it may be time to consider contacting a professional whose sole specialty is building efficient and effective in-house recruitment processes. 

Specialized Job Demands – When seeking a high-caliber employee with a more specified level of experience or industry knowledge, a more customized approach to talent acquisition may be necessary.

Significant Number of Hires Needed – Perhaps you’re seeking less specialized employees but need a high number of new team members. High-volume recruitment efforts and vetting candidates can be an extremely time-consuming process and taxing on your current department.

2022 Talent Attraction Challenges 

While the recruiting world has always been an ever-changing industry, no one could have predicted the dramatically different challenges we’re now facing post-pandemic. What once consisted of paper resumes and applications, hours spent on job boards, and sharing perks like ping pong tables and free snacks, has become a highly competitive war for talent, where speed, communication, and flexibility are top priorities. 

For many companies, recruiting efforts can often fall under those *other duties as assigned fine print in a job description. It is not uncommon for small and even mid-sized companies to rely on their busy human resources professionals, potentially already working at max capacity, to take on this additional responsibility on an as-needed basis. So, when should a company consider seeking support for its internal talent acquisition team?

COVID-19’s Effects on Employment

When a ripple of state-wide closures occurred across the nation in March of 2020, employers were forced to be agile to survive. Employees packed up their computers, plants, and necessities to give working from home a try – possibly for the first time. As the pandemic forced us to look at our lives differently, that included the way we work. Flexibility, work-life balance, and remote possibilities have quickly moved to the forefront of employee interest. This newfound freedom, combined with the growing financial pressures from inflation, resulted in what many are now calling The Great Resignation or The Great Reshuffle.

What exactly does this mean? The Great Resignation refers to the enormous amount of professional turnover we’ve seen in the last two years. While many senior professionals have opted to retire since the pandemic started, an unprecedented amount of people have transitioned to new jobs, which is why it has since been reclassified as The Great Reshuffle. According to a survey by CareerPlug, 47.4 million people voluntarily quit their jobs in 2021 alone. Furthermore, the survey finds that 55% of hourly employees are currently or will be seeking new employment to get a pay increase in the coming year. 

And So Begins the War for Talent

Now that The Great Reshuffle is underway, what does that mean for you? Employees have had a taste of freedom, flexibility, and a better work/life balance, making them that much more motivated to keep it. That means things like forced return to the office, rising gas prices, and a less desirable company culture they may have tolerated previously, can now easily be the motivation to seek employment opportunities elsewhere. What can you do to attract and retain the best talent and how can you stand out in the crowd of companies all trying to hire?

Focus on What Matters: According to an article published by Apps That Deliver, the most important factors to job seekers when considering accepting a new job are compensation, professional development, and better work/life balance.

Adjust Your Application and Interview Processes: Job seekers want mobile responsive websites and job application options, clear communication and responsiveness, pay transparency, and quick screening processes. With everything moving at the speed of light, gone are the days of three or more interviews over the course of multiple weeks. In fact, Apps That Deliver shares that companies lose as many as 89% of potential candidates due to a prolonged screening process. 

Consider Your Company Culture: Now more than ever, job seekers are reviewing your ‘About Us’ pages, reading what your employees are posting on social, and going through company reviews on Google and Glass Door. The Career Plug survey shares that “77% of people would consider a company’s culture before applying for a job there, and 56% ranked a strong workplace culture as more important than salary.”

TenFootLine Helps You Navigate the Challenging World of Hiring

So in an ever-changing professional environment, how does your company stay ahead of the pack and secure the top talent when so many other companies want the same? By seeking the assistance of a company specializing in full-service talent acquisition solutions. At TenFootLine, we focus on creating a game plan for success using strategic thinking, efficient, company-wide processes, and continued support and training. Below are just a few of the strategies utilized by the experts at TenFootLine:

  • Explore and implement sourcing and branding practices that ensure you’re attracting top talent.

  • Evaluate candidate experience from application to onboarding.

  • Develop competitive intelligence and research regarding talent development and retention strategies.

  • Create employer branding content, budget, and messaging.

  • Build strong relationships and deliver results across your organization.

  • Coach and develop leaders to ensure increased performance and output across teams.

  • Lead the development and implementation of strategic talent acquisition tactics to guarantee consistent success and find any opportunities for improvement.

Spearheaded by CEO and Founder Marci Caudle, TenFootLine offers more than 25 years of experience providing strategic talent acquisition services, in both agency and corporate environments. No stranger to hard work, Marci has demonstrated success professionally, throughout various industries and especially in fast-growing technology companies, as well as in the competitive world of Division 1 collegiate volleyball. 

“It has always been rewarding to help companies fulfill their hiring needs, both from an internal team standpoint and as an experienced agency professional,” says Caudle. “But, what I found myself looking forward to most was implementing solutions to especially challenging hiring problems.” And so, TenFootLine was started.

With a drive to be the best in what is already an ambitious field, Caudle and TenFootLine have differentiated their company by offering a customized top-of-the-line, full-service approach to help your company build the internal foundation needed to win the war for talent. Paired with an expert understanding of the rigorously changing hiring environment, TenFootLine offers an unmatched game plan to ace your talent acquisition needs.

Taking the Next Step in Attracting Top-Tier Talent

Recruiting the best professionals to join your company is more competitive than ever. If you’re struggling to keep up with your current workload, as well as the demanding needs of filling open positions or growing the company, we’re here to help. TenFootLine is an industry-leading talent acquisition firm passionate about creating custom and practical solutions to your hiring problems. Contact us today to schedule a no-obligation, complimentary 30-minute assessment of your organization’s talent acquisition process.  


Hiring Hot Topics: 3 Ways to Navigate the Current ‘Perfect Storm’ of Turnover and Secure the Best Replacement Candidates.


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