The Power of 1:1 Meetings for Employee Engagement and Retention

Last month I wrote about EQ and why having a high EQ is essential for any manager or leader who wants to create a successful and engaged workplace (link here). This month, I would like to look at how to incorporate those tips into your daily practice and explore how you as leaders can play a more active role in the success of your employees.  

Have better 1:1 meetings!

One-on-one meetings with employees are one of the most important investments a manager can make to ensure retention and engagement and it is often an untapped resource. While they seem like just another formality in an already packed workday, these meetings provide invaluable opportunities for career growth and development, as well as crucial information to inform managerial decision-making.

 “1-on-1 meetings are a key component of a successful ongoing feedback model. They give managers and their direct reports uninterrupted time to discuss projects, review performance, remove blockers, and more. It also provides an opportunity for managers to get to know their employees on a more personal level.” – Culture Amp

To ensure that you're getting the most out of your time with each employee, it's essential to plan ahead. Start by creating an agenda: list topics or questions that you want to discuss during the meeting and give your employee advance notice so they can come prepared. This will help keep the conversation on track and streamline the process, helping both you and your employee get more value out of their time spent together. This is not the time to touch base on project status but rather to focus on career conversations and developmental opportunities.

Additionally, make sure you're actively listening. Don't just ask questions and move on; really consider the answers your employee is giving and respond accordingly. This will help foster a sense of trust and understanding between you two, which will in turn lead to more productive conversations in the future.

Finally, be sure to follow up on any action items that come out of the meeting. If there's something that needs follow-up or further discussion, make sure it doesn't fall through the cracks - this shows that you were paying attention during the conversation, and demonstrates respect for both your employee and their time. You may even want to utilize a company-wide standard form to make documentation and follow-up a breeze.   

By following these tips, you can ensure that each one-on-one meeting with an employee is as effective as possible. A little bit of preparation goes a long way towards retention, engagement, and career growth – so make the best of it! Your relationships will flourish, your turnover will decrease and you will have happier more engaged employees.

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